(notes provided by the striped-tie-wearing Allan Penwell)

Champaign Rotary’s tri-annual Action Auction is June 1st at KCPA and has a Broadway theme.  It’s a great event, and see Ata to join him at a Sunrise table.

We received a letter from the T.I.M.E.S. Center thanking us for a donation.

The District 6490 Conference will be April 19-20 in Normal, Illinois. This is a great time to learn more about Rotary, meet fellow Rotarians, share experiences, and most of all, expand your club with resources, information and contacts.

If you would like to get some exercise and perform community service, see Eric Batsie.  April 27th is moving day at Washington School in Urbana, and he is organizing a work party.



Rita B. Garman is the fourth district justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois and was elected in 2001.  Justice Garman is a member of Danville Rotary.

The justice system in Illinois is broad, and in 2011 in the circuit courts there were 3.4 million cases that came into the court system.  Around 50,000 were DUI’s.  Several million were traffic tickets, and only 2% were felonies.  Appeals are heard in the five appellate courts, and the final court is the Illinois Supreme Court.  There are seven Supreme Court justices that come from the appellate court districts.

Justice Garman has served 12 years on the Supreme Court where there are seven justices.  Four of the justices form a majority, and it takes four to agree to take a case and four to decide a case.  Annually there are 3,000 appeals to the Supreme Court, but only about 100 were heard.  The court meets five times a year, and when in session, the justices stay in Springfield.  Each has a staff which includes several clerks.


April 11th April 18th April 25th May 2nd
Introductions BJ Lytle Ben Mast John McDaniel Penn Nelson
Invocation Cary Woolard Kris Young Harold Adams Curt Anderson
Greeters BJ Lytle Ben Mast John McDaniel Penn Nelson
Mitch Schluter Jen Shelby Lou Simpson Cary Woolard
Song Leader Ed Perry Marsha Reardon Chuck Reifsteck Rod Roberts
Notetaker Hodson Lintner Conforti Chamberlain


Upcoming Schedule

April 11 – Dan Hartleb, UIUC Men’s Baseball Coach

April 18th – Karen Kane and Yvette Whitely, Daily Bread Soup Kitchen

April 25th – Eliabeth Buckley, Developmental Specialist at Provena Covenant Medical Center, will discuss Women4Women

May 2nd – Ida Simila, Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) student

May 9th – Debbie Hirschi from Champaign West will discuss their project with the Ministerios de Fey Vida Nueva in Honduras

May 16th – David and Dorothy Deem will discuss upholstering and furniture

May 23rd – Dr. Tom Ramage, President of Parkland College