
Good Morning!

Welcome! Each week, C-U Sunrisers enjoy fellowship, fun and lots of laughter while supporting worthy causes in our community, nationally and internationally. Our meetings are every Thursday at 6:45 am. We gather at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at 2101 S Prospect Ave, Champaign, IL 61820.

C-U Sunrisers Volunteer during the 2024 Illinois Marathon

On April 27, 2024, several C-U Sunrise Club members volunteered for the Illinois Marathon working a water station on South Prospect at Good Shepards Lutheran Church. Thanks to all that participated and donated their time.

By |April 27th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

C-U Sunrise Rotary has Sponsored Cooper, The Comfort Dog

C-U Sunrise Rotary Club has recently sponsored Cooper, the comfort dog for the Children’s Advocacy Center. CAC spoke to our club awhile back and talked a bit about Cooper and the benefits he brings to the process of interviewing children during traumatic times. 

As part of our commitment to the Champaign-Urbana community, our club decided to sponsor Cooper and pay for his needs. 

Plan on attending our morning meeting on May 23rd and meet Cooper, our featured speaker (bark). We have a small token of appreciation for him… as you can see.

By |March 27th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Upcoming Club Activities

March 16-17 – PETS training – Ata & Lisa will be attending

March 19  5-6:30pm) – Books to Prisoners

April 6 – Feeding our Kids

April 19-21 – Rotary Youth Leadership Academy at Allerton. 

May 4 (9-noon) – District Assembly

May 4 (9-noon) – Newspaper folding at GSLC

By |March 8th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Diaper Drive

Help us help families! We’re collecting diapers for local food pantries on Sunday, March 3. We’d prefer sizes Newborn, 5, and 6, since they’re the most requested, but anything will do. Drop them off in our front parking lot and help us fill “Big Red” – one of our volunteers’ pick-up trucks. The truck will be available 10-noon and 4-8 PM. If you need to drop off diapers at another time, contact the church office.

By |February 24th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments
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