C-U Sunrisers Volunteer during the 2024 Illinois Marathon

On April 27, 2024, several C-U Sunrise Club members volunteered for the Illinois Marathon working a water station on South Prospect at Good Shepards Lutheran Church. Thanks to all that participated and donated their time.

By |2024-04-27T16:42:21-05:00April 27th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

C-U Sunrise Rotary has Sponsored Cooper, The Comfort Dog

C-U Sunrise Rotary Club has recently sponsored Cooper, the comfort dog for the Children’s Advocacy Center. CAC spoke to our club awhile back and talked a bit about Cooper and the benefits he brings to the process of interviewing children during traumatic times. 

As part of our commitment to the Champaign-Urbana community, our club decided to sponsor Cooper and pay for his needs. 

Plan on attending our morning meeting on May 23rd and meet Cooper, our featured speaker (bark). We have a small token of appreciation for him… as you can see.

By |2024-03-27T17:43:41-05:00March 27th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Upcoming Club Activities

March 16-17 – PETS training – Ata & Lisa will be attending

March 19  5-6:30pm) – Books to Prisoners

April 6 – Feeding our Kids

April 19-21 – Rotary Youth Leadership Academy at Allerton. 

May 4 (9-noon) – District Assembly

May 4 (9-noon) – Newspaper folding at GSLC

By |2024-03-08T17:03:22-06:00March 8th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Diaper Drive

Help us help families! We’re collecting diapers for local food pantries on Sunday, March 3. We’d prefer sizes Newborn, 5, and 6, since they’re the most requested, but anything will do. Drop them off in our front parking lot and help us fill “Big Red” – one of our volunteers’ pick-up trucks. The truck will be available 10-noon and 4-8 PM. If you need to drop off diapers at another time, contact the church office.

By |2024-02-24T15:23:11-06:00February 24th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Upcoming Club Activities

Feb 24 – Club social at the Virginia Theatre for “That’s What She Said”

Mar 2 – Read Across America

Mar 16 – District President and President Elect Training

Apr 6 – Feeding Our Kids 

Apr 19-21 – Rotary Youth Leadership Academy  (RYLA)

Apr 27 – Illinois Marathon with a possible service project at a water station 

May 4 – District Assembly 8am to Noon

May 4 – Champaign County Humane Society Newspaper Folding

By |2024-02-24T14:56:28-06:00February 24th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

July 27th, 2023 Newsletter


“I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, but it hasn’t changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I’m just wearing better shoes.” – Oprah Winfrey – Actress – Talk Show Host – Producer – Philanthropist


“The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence.” – Roy T. Bennett – 1939-2014 – Author


“Love and gratitude can part seas, move mountains, and create miracles.” – Rhonda Byrne – Author




(notes provided by the erudite Mary Hodson)


July 30 4-8 PM – Lou Simpson Celebration of Life at the Rose Bowl.  Please bring salsa and chips to share.


August 2, 7 AM – Zoom Board Meeting.  Contact Charlie for meeting link.


August 21 – Tom Costello Memorial Golf Outing and Corn Roast at Lake of the Woods


August 26 – Rotary Leadership Institute


September 9 – District 6490 Conference


November 9 – CU Sunrise Anniversary and Veteran’s Day Dinner


Bucket Bucks – July – Feeding our Kids,  August – CU at Home


Larry announced the passing of CU Sunrise past president and Shelter Box USA board member Gary Olsen on July 26.


Shelter Box Stock the Box Fundraiser – See http:// http://www.shelterboxusa.org





August 8, 5:30 – 7:30 PM – Assemble School Kits at United Way


August 21 – 26 – Diaper Drive


September 2, 9-11 AM – Salt and Light


September 9 – Feeding Our Kids


September 30, 3 – 11 PM, Octoberfest


October 14 – 6:30 AM – Noon, CU Sunrise Rotary Booth at Urbana Farmer’s Market – Save your Rotary magazines to hand out.





President Charlie introduced a tape of RI President Gordon McInally at the International Convention.


President MacInally’s theme is “Create Hope in the World”.  He said that performing acts of kindness is the most important thing we can do to improve our own sense of well-being.  


This Rotary year, Rotary will prioritize mental health.   President McInally shared that his brother Ian suffered from depression, and despite having a successful life, ultimately took his own life.  


RI has started a Rotary Action Group for Mental Health.  President McInally also talked about two new programs “Think Like Me”, an emotional literacy training, and “Wellness in a Box.”


President McInally asks all Rotarians to become champions of the effort to help erase the stigma of mental illness and to become caring friends for those who suffer.



  Aug 3rd Aug 10th Aug 17th Aug 24th
Introductions Paul Conforti Lisa Crane Diana Dummitt Ata Durukan
Reflection Robb Patton Jerry Payonk Allan Penwell Ed Perry
Greeters Paul Conforti Lisa Crane Diana Dummitt Ata Durukan
Robb Patton Jerry Payonk Allan Penwell Ed Perry
Notetaker Perry Hodson Crane Conforti


UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee members listed in parentheses)


August 3rd – Jared White, Executive Director of Prairie Lands Council of Boy Scouts (Cary)

August 10th – Kelly Russell from the Champaign County Home Visiting Consortium (Michael)

August 17th – District Governor

August 24th – Joe Rank, Taste of Northern Italy

August 31st – TBD

September 7th – TBD

September 14th – TBD

September 21st – Poets Corey Van Landingham and Chris Kempf (Thom)  

September 28th – Jarrod Scheunemann will discuss his mission trip and park development project in Bilisht, Albania

October 5th – TBD

October 12th – Brittany Millington, Director, Champaign Public Library (Thom)

October 19th – TBD

October 26th – TBD

November 2nd – Dr. Dan Simons, Professor, Psychology, UIUC, co-author of “The Invisible Gorilla” and “Nobody’s Fool”

November 9th – no morning meeting – Anniversary Dinner at CityView




August 24 – Allan Penwell

August 30 – Darrell Hoemann

August 30 – Ed Perry

By |2023-07-30T15:49:39-05:00July 30th, 2023|Newsletter, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Invitation to memorial tree planting to honor Lou Simpson

Dear friends of Lou and Trina, the Kranzs, have arranged a memorial tree to be planted near the Decker Garden next Thursday. Trina has extended this invite for the occasion to Lou’s friends and fellow Sunrisers:

Please join us as a Silver Linden will be planted in Lou’s name near Decker Garden on Thursday, May 11 at 11:30. Via Champaign Park District, a gift from Del & Dave Kranz. -Trina

Our club will be planting a memorial tree of our own but details are still pending.

By |2023-05-08T15:03:31-05:00May 8th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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