(notes provided by the stylish, striped-tie-wearing Allan Penwell)


Jack announced that Rotary Foundation donations have been sent in.

The Sunrise Board of Directors has voted to use $2,000 of our Foundation money for the fetal heart monitor project with the Konak (Turkey) Rotary Club.  This is a $50,000 project, and we are partnering with a German Rotary club along with a Rotary Foundation grant.

Phil announced that volunteers are needed to run the beer tent at the Urbana Sweet Corn Festival.  There were many comments and much interest from the members but necessarily to participate.



 Assistant District Governor, Jon Rector, introduced our governor, Larry Pennie.  Larry was an educator and has been involved in many civic projects and associations.  He is a member of the Bloomington-Normal Sunset Rotary club.

Larry told the story of geese and how they use teamwork to fly long distances.  By flying in formation and changing leadership positions, the geese can fly 70% longer than flying individually.  Rotary leadership positions change every year which make our organization stronger.  More of us get involved in our districts and clubs, and more of our members become knowledgeable of Rotary and appreciate the many things we stand for and do.

Cliff Dochterman was RI president in 1992, and he used the example of an orchestra to demonstrate how different teams work together.  The strings are the most active.  The woodwinds are quiet.  The brass are always heard, and the percussion keeps the beat.  The stagehands are in the background and the ones who do all of the work in the beginning and the end.  All of us have a position in Rotary, and think about how you fit in.

We all have expectations.  We think about buying a car or going to a movie.  Sometimes the expectations come from someone else.  In our clubs we are expected to participate in projects.  We are expected to attend meetings.  We are expected to grow membership.  The district has expectations for this year which are to help our clubs.   There will be seminars and training to help us be better Rotarians.  We are working on a new data base and website.  The district will continue with our projects and hope that all of our members will be able to be sustaining Paul Harris Fellows by contributing $100 every year to the Rotary Foundation.



August 22nd August 29th Sept 5th Sept 12th
Introductions Kris Young Harold Adams Curt Anderson Oktay Baran
Invocation Dave Krchak Benny Lapid Barb Lintner BJ Lytle
Greeters Kris Young Harold Adams Curt Anderson Oktay Baran
Phillip Holthaus Andrew Kerins Dave Krchak Benny Lapid
Song Leader Ata Durukan Jim Gould Patrice Grant Bruce Hatfield
Notetaker Hodson Lintner Conforti Chamberlain
Decker Weeding Schluter Kerins
Next Weekend Family Family
Decker Garden Adams Adams
Watering Family Family


Upcoming Schedule

August 22nd – Adam Booher, UIUC Engineering graduate and President of BUMP, producers of OpenSocket prosthetic arms

August 29th – Mike Coyle, Executive Director of the University YMCA

September 5th – John Eby, Activities Program Manager for Student Life, Parkland College

September 12th – Dr. Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor for Research, UIUC

September 19th – Julie Melton, Director of Marketing & Development, Eastern Illinois Foodbank

September 26th – TBD

October 3rd – TBD

October 10th – TBD

October 17th – TBD

October 24th – Rebecca Ginsburg, Director, Education Justice Project, UIUC