(notes courteous of the erudite Mary Hodson)

Les Schulte announced that the Illini After Five Club will be distributing dictionaries to Champaign County third graders again this year. He asked for our support and passed his hat for donations.

Barb asked members to notify Molly Delaney if they can help with the Book Mentor Project this year. Watch for an email announcement of upcoming training on the new book mentor format.  To email Molly directly, send to

President Jeff asked members to bring the names of two people they think would make good Rotarians to the September 13 meeting.

The Fundraising Committee met and will be planning an event for the club’s 25th anniversary.


Jeff introduced Mahomet Rotarian Eric Luedtke who spoke with passion about the Nepal Project. For the last 19 years, Eric has worked with enslaved and low caste children in Nepal. Nepal is the third poorest country in the world. The average annual income is $250 and parents often sell their children simply to survive.

Although Eric also works through faith-based groups, he pointed out that Rotary is accepted into countries where faith-based groups would not be.

Eric raises funds to help 15 Ketaaketi SPOWC Free Schools, started by a German by the name of Anneli-Sofia Racker.

In order for a child to be enrolled in a SPOWC school, the parents must be involved in a micro-finance project. Family self-sufficiency eliminates the need to sell their children.

Eric worked with the Rotary District to get a $40,000 grant to provide uniforms, books and desks to all of the 15 schools.

Today we did not get a picture of our guest speaker.  However, a picture was taken of the table in the back corner.  Way to go guys.

Aug 30th Sept 6th Sept 13th Sept 20th
Introductions John McDaniel Penn Nelson Gary Olsen Scott Paceley
Invocation Oktay Baran Alan Chalifoux Neal Chamberlain Reuben Chambers
Greeters John McDaniel Penn Nelson Gary Olsen Scott Paceley
Coletta Ackermann Harold Adams Curt Anderson Oktay Baran
Song Leader Mitch Schluter Jen Shelby Lou Simpson Cary Woolard
Notetaker Hodson Lintner Conforti Chamberlain
Decker Weeding Chalifoux
Next Weekend Chalifoux
Decker Garden Simpson

Upcoming Programs

Aug 30 – Bruce Henrickson, Chair, Business and Agriculture at Parkland College

Sept 6 – Scott Burnsmeier, AG, New Generations

Sept 13 – Club Assembly – Membership

Sept 20 – Madeline Evans and Evan Fortier, Illinois State Archaeological Survey

Oct 18 – John Groce, Illinois Mens Basketball Coach