(notes provided by the erudite Mary Hodson)


The club welcomed Cody and Candy Abbott who were celebrating their 43rd anniversary.

Larry announced that he and Judy were celebrating their 25th anniversary.

President Chuck announced that the August 1 meeting with Athletic Director Mike Thomas would be a great opportunity to bring guests.

Champaign West Rotary will be conducting its annual blood drive beginning on July 22.

Champaign Rotary will hold a golf outing on July 29. Rantoul Rotary will hold one on August 23. More details will follow.

Please email Rod Roberts if you can help with the Habitat Build on August 24.

Phillip announced that members will be needed to help pick sweet corn for the Eastern IL Food Bank. The tentative date is July 20.

Benny announced that he would become a US citizen on July 12.




Tod introduced Reverend Steve Shoemaker. Steve has a PhD in Religion from Duke University. He formerly was the pastor of McKinley Presbyterian Church and Executive Director of the University YMCA. He is currently serving as president of the Urbana Rotary Club and has just returned from the RI International Convention in Lisbon.

Steve talked about his WILL radio show, “Keeping the Faith”, a weekly interview program about religion, spirituality, ethics and values He explained that he approached WILL 14 years ago about doing a program about spiritual matters. Roger Ebert was one of his first guests, speaking about religious themes in the movies.

The program airs at 5 PM on Sundays. WILL broadcasts at 5000 megawatts during daylight hours and at about 200 megawatts at night. As a result, the show can be heard in Chicago in the winter, but just locally during the summer.

Steve volunteers his time and has no budget. However, the station allows him to conduct interviews by phone to anywhere in the world. He spoke of some of the interesting guests with whom he has spoken and some of the technicalities of producing a live interview show.

Gary Olsen has spoken on the show about Shelter Box and his daughter-in-law spoke a few weeks ago about her work with migrants at the US border.

Sadly, Steve has decided to retire and the show will be going off the air in August.


July 18th July 25th August 1st August 8th
Introductions Mitch Schluter Jen Shelby Lou Simpson Jeff Van Buren
Invocation Bruce Hatfield Mary Hodson Phillip Holthaus Larry Johnson
Greeters Mitch Schluter Jen Shelby Lou Simpson Jeff Van Buren
Ata Durukan Paul Conforti Patrice Grant Bruce Hatfield
Song Leader Eric Batsie Alan Chalifoux Neal Chamberlain Reuben Chambers
Notetaker Lintner Conforti Chamberlain Perry
Decker Weeding Nelson Chamberlain Mischo Baran
Next Weekend McDaniel Neal & Bernie Simpson Perry
Decker Garden Reifsteck Van Buren Van Buren Nelson



Upcoming Schedule

July 18th – Charlie Linville, Ploughman Associates

July 25th – Kaizad Irini, Associate Professor of Horticulture and Agriculture at Parkland College

August 1st – Mike Thomas, Director of Athletics, UIUC

August 8th – Christine Catanzarite, Director of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), UIUC

August 15th – TBD

September 12th – Dr. Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor for Research, UIUC