(Notes provided by Allan Penwell)

Laura announced the Champaign Park District is raffling off a car again this year.  Proceeds go for youth scholarships for swim lessons, day camp, and others.  Drawing is at the Taste of Champaign on August 22, 2015.  See Penn for tickets. 

Jack announced that dues have increased $10.00.



Our presenter at last week’s program was Maria Bohri, a student at UIUC, who was accompanied by her advisor, Valerie Werpetinski.  Maria is a participant in an Engineering 315 course called LINC which stands for Learning in Community.  LINC provides a service-leraning opportunity to match up with a not-for-profit organization to help communities in the U.S. and around the world.

Maria and her team partnered with several organizations in India to focus on rural villages that had significant fluorosis in drinking water and needed basic sanitation and health training.

In parts of India there is excessive fluoride in the water which causes teeth to darken and fall out.  It also affects bone and muscle development so people have trouble walking and managing daily tasks.  The goal in this case was to provide equipment to remediate the fluoride and provide safe drinking water.

As to the health issues, the team conducted interventions in the villages to explain how diseases spread from improper sanitation and simple things such as hand washing.  In some cases, the villages changed their practices if they had strong community leadership, but in other cases, change did not occur and old habits continued. 

The team collected data in their time in India and eventually published case studies as part of their class. 

Ms. Werpetinski mentioned that the LINC classes have completed numerous projects in the area, including ones for the Champaign County Forest Preserve District, the Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club, and C-U At Home, among others.



Special Note


Dear CU Sunrise Rotary Members,

Last June, Jason and Erin Dorsey were married in the Decker Garden.  I sent a note to Erin earlier this week and wanted to share the exchange.



Thank you so much for thinking of us! That really meant a lot to both Jason and I! Our first year together has been wonderful, and the kids & us are planning to go back to the park this summer to celebrate with a picnic. We can’t wait to see the garden we haven’t seen since last summer and enjoy the beautiful atmosphere! Tell everyone hello at the rotary and we hope you all have a wonderful summer!











  June 11th June 18th June 25th July 2nd
Introductions Andrew Kerins Dave Krchak Bob La Charite BJ Lytle
Invocation Allan Penwell Ed Perry Chuck Reifsteck Rod Roberts
Greeters Andrew Kerins Dave Krchak Bob La Charite BJ Lytle
Scott Paceley Robb Patton Allan Penwell Ed Perry
Song Leader Jan Merchen Phyllis Mischo Terrible rendition of the smile song Scott Paceley
Notetaker Penwell Hodson Lintner Conforti
Rotary Minute Bob La Charite BJ Lytle Ben Mast John McDaniel
Decker Weeding Chalifoux Stull Hodson LaCharite
Next Weekend        
Decker Garden Johnson Stull Stull LaCharite



June 11th – Kathie Spegal, Coordinator, Illinois Radio Reader, and former CU Sunrise Rotarian

June 18th – Andy Leipold will discuss grand juries and Ferguson, MO

June 25 – TBD

July 2 – Chief Anthony Cobb, Champaign Police Department

July 9 – TBD

July 16 – Jen Shelby will discuss the Cannes Film Festival

July 23rd – Phil Hoggatt, Harbor Light Hospice

July 30th – TBD

August 6th – TBD

August 13th – TBD

August 20th – TBD

August 27th – Barry Pittendrigh, Department of Entomology, UIUC