“Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.” – George Edward Woodberry – 1855-1930 – American Literary Critic


“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” – Simone Weil – 1909-1943 – French Philosopher


“Give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.” – Unknown


(Notes provided by Allan Penwell)


Our club is supporting Eastern Illinois Food Bank and CU at Home during these very difficult times. We are sending checks to each of these organizations for over $1,000.


Oktay reports that EIFB needs volunteers for repack. He was the only one who showed up last week so folks don’t seem to be getting out as much as in the past. Contact Oktay to help.


Larry and Phyllis are working on a $2,500 grant which is part of the $25,000 Disaster Relief Grant which is being submitted to the Rotary Foundation from the district.


Our grant application for $2,500 is for the food pantry at Promise Healthcare known as the Food As Medicine program at Frances Nelson Health Center. This program provides nutritious food to prenatal and pediatric patients as part of a routine medical visit.  Each bag for patients provides 2-3 days’ worth of nutritious food, along with a sheet containing health information and food resources.  The Food As Medicine concept focuses on the importance of providing nutritious food to clients, as well as educating and providing them with resources to improve their health and well-being


Larry reports that in early March he helped Phyllis sort food items in the pantry at Frances Nelson.  They placed items in their canvas bags, and then placed bags on shelves.  A couple days later, after our Rotary meeting, Ed Perry, Ed Bridges, Phyllis, Larry, Promise Healthcare staff, and other volunteers took items from the food pantry and placed on tables for a food distribution.  There was a steady stream coming through the door. This likely happens during every food distribution there as these are individuals who consistently have food insecurities.


Phyllis and Lou need volunteers for the Decker Garden.


Bucket money for April is for Eastern Illinois Food Bank.





Christine Leeb is the founder and director of Real Life Families. Christine and her husband have three children, and she is a former teacher.


Real Life Families is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides free classes, free resources, and parenting support to families from every walk of life. Their goal is to help every family work as a stronger team and build close, positive relationships. Their website is https://reallifefamilies.org/, and they also have a Facebook page.


The organization has a teamwork approach to helping families. Families learn to team with God and spouses team up with each other. Children are brought into the team approach with the goal to build strong family teams and provide a close, positive relationship between parents and the children. Christine also showed us family pictures taken during the C-U Curbside Clicks program.  




  Apr 16th Apr 23rd Apr 30th
Reflection Mary Kay Smith Adam Wright Oktay Baran
Notetaker Hodson Conforti Perry



UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee member responsible listed in parentheses)

April 16th – Rotarian Jen Shelby will discuss the short film “The Pooka”

*The following meeting dates and speakers are included for reference purposes only.  At this time, it is not clear which, if any, of these speakers will still be available to speak on the listed dates.*


April 23rd – Diane Marlin, Mayor, City of Urbana (Bob)

April 30th – No meeting

May 7th – Debbie Hensleigh (Phyllis)

May 14th – Club Assembly

May 21st – TBD (Cary)

May 28th – TBD (Charlie)

June 4th – TBD (David)

June 11th – Champaign Rotarian Craig Rost will speak about the Clinton Lake Sailing Association

June 18th – TBD (Ondine)

June 25th – Pass the Gavel ceremony