“The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.” ― Elizabeth Cady Stanton – 1815-1902 – American suffragist, social activist, abolitionist


“Keep stepping toward your dreams. No matter how far it seems.” – Unknown


“What we see depends mainly on what we look for.” – John Lubbock – 1834-1913 – English Banker-Scientist-Philanthropist



(notes provided by the erudite Mary Hodson)


Our Membership Meetup will be held at Riggs Beer Company on August 20 at 5:30PM.   A pop duo will perform and Dave’s Dogs Food Truck will be on hand.  Invite your friends and family!





Charlie introduced Trisha Crowley, president of the local chapter of the League of Women Voters.  The League is celebrating its 100th anniversary.  It was founded by suffragettes who realized the need to educate women about issues and candidates.  Today, the League of Women voters includes men in their membership and on their board.


The mission of the League of Women Voters is to register, educate and activate voters.  In normal times, League members have voter registration tables at community events. Now you can go to their website for a step-by step video on how to register.   


In May, the Illinois legislature made changes, some temporary, to the election rules.  Everyone who has voted in the last three elections will automatically receive an application to vote by mail.  Ballots will be mailed on September 24 and can be returned either through the mail or in special drop boxes.  A team of three election judges will empty the drop boxes every day.  The team will verify the signatures on the ballots.  The County Clerk will contact voters to resolve any questions about the signatures.


There will also be early voting at multiple locations.  The new law reduced the required number of election judges to three at each polling place.  It also made Election Day a school holiday, allowing schools to be used as polling places, and reduced the requirements for 16 year olds to serve as election judges.   Election judges are paid $200 per day.


The League of Women Voters does not endorse candidates but it does take positions on issues after a process of study.  Members speak on behalf of approved positions.  They have advocated the elimination of the Electoral College for the past fifty years.  They recently have taken the position that the Illinois flat tax should be abolished.  Illinois, one of just four states that have a flat income tax, has one of the most regressive tax structures in the nation.   When all taxes are included, the lowest 20% of the population pay an average of 14.4% of their income in taxes.  The top 20% of Illinois taxpayers pay an average of 7.4% of their income in taxes.  Additionally, there is no tax on personal services.   The subsequent loss of revenue to the state has caused a loss of support for education at all levels.


  Aug 20th Aug 27th Sept 3rd Sept 10th
Reflection Jerry Payonk Allan Penwell Ed Perry Rod Roberts
Notetaker Conforti Perry Penwell Hodson
Decker Weeding Hodson Johnson    
Next Weekend        



UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee member responsible listed in parentheses)

*All meetings via Zoom*


August 20th – Evelyn Shapiro, Promotions Manager, Champaign Public Library (Ondine)

August 27th – Mary Ellen Wuellner, Executive Director, Champaign County Forest Preserve District (Andrew)

September 3rd – TBD (Bob)

September 10th – TBD  (Cary)

September 17th – TBD (Tom)

September 24th – Sarah Livesay, Executive Director, Grand Prairie Friends (Andrew)

October 1st – TBD 

October 8th – TBD (Mary)

October 15th – TBD (Ondine)

October 22nd – TBD (Tom)

October 29th – TBD 

November 5th – TBD (Bob)

November 12th – TBD (Cary)

November 19th – TBD (Charlie)

November 26th – No meeting – Thanksgiving

December 3rd – TBD