(notes courteous of the erudite Mary Hodson)

Harold announced that Andrew won the Rotary Foundation Bowl. The Bowl raised $360, with half the proceeds going to the Foundation. The other half went to Andrew’s retirement fund.

Robb announced that the Fruit Fundraiser had raised over $10,000 and reminded everyone to turn in any remaining proceeds.  Rumor has it that Ed Perry still has a case of grapefruit to sell if there are any takers.

President Jeff announced that the January 17 meeting would be a club assembly discussing, in particular, the 25th anniversary of CU Sunrise. New member orientation will be held at 7 PM that same evening at Ata’s (recently renovated) home.

Jeff also announced that Mike Snow from the Mattoon Club has been selected to serve as the team leader of the GSE team that will go to Northern Italy from May 15 to June 15. Applications are still open for team members who must be under 40 and non-Rotarians. Contact Jeff if you know of a good candidate. Also be sure to contact Jeff if you like mopeds.

The Rotary Leadership Institute will be held at Richland College on February 16. CU Sunrise will pay the fee for any member who attends.



Tom Ulen introduced Michael Murphy, Professor Emeritus of Nutrition, UI Department of Animal Sciences and the Division of Nutritional Science.

Professor Murphy spoke about the research done by his students for a History of Nutrition course. They looked at diets listed by Louise Foxcroft in “Calories and Corsets”, a history of dieting over 2,000 years.

Professor Murphy assigned one diet to each of the students. They compared the diets for requirements and recommendations for nutrients as well as for the ability to sustain weight loss. Most of the diets did not provide the nutrients recommended by the CDC.

The conclusion was that that “quick-fix” fad diets do not work. A sustained weight loss requires a change in habits. Michael recommended reading “The Power of Habit”.


Jan 17th Jan 24th Jan 31st Feb 7th
Introductions Paul Conforti Ata Durukan Jim Gould Patrice Grant
Invocation Gary Olsen Scott Paceley Robb Patton Allan Penwell
Greeters Paul Conforti Ata Durukan Jim Gould Patrice Grant
John McDaniel Penn Nelson Gary Olsen Scott Paceley
Song Leader Benny Lapid Hang Liang Barb Lintner BJ Lytle
Notetaker Lintner Conforti Chamberlain Perry

Upcoming Schedule

Jan 17 – Club Assembly

Jan 24 – Sara Thompson, Illinois Leadership Center

Jan 31 –

Feb 7 – Rick Davison