“The greatest tragedy for any human being is going through their entire lives believing the only perspective that matters is their own.” – Doug Baldwin – American Football Player


“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the things you think you are unable to do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt – 1884-1962 – Former First Lady of the United States



of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.” – Percy B. Green – Musical Artist


“Instead of buying your children all the things you never had. You should teach them all the things you were never taught. Material wears out but knowledge stays.” – Bruce Lee – 1940-1973 – Actor-Martial Artist





(notes provided by the distinguished gentleman from Connecticut, Sir Edward Perry)


Willie Nelson was joined by a backup group of celebrities as they sang “America the Beautiful” at the start of our meeting.  


Teri McCarthy from the Urbana Rotary Club reminded everyone that the Rotary Blood Drive is taking place at the end of the month. There is a great need right now for blood donations. Appointments are required so call the Community Blood Services (217-367-2202) to schedule.  Community Blood Services is located at the corner of University and Wright Street in Urbana.


No club meeting this Thursday as we have a club social starting at 5:30PM at Rigg’s Brewery in Urbana.  Rigg’s is located at 1901 S. High Cross Road. Keith has reserved 3 tables on their Party Porch so the proper social distancing can be maintained. Masks are required at Rigg’s. LaPaloma’s food truck will be there. So bring family members or friends and enjoy a locally brewed beverage and Mexican food. 


Phillis announced that our club has received another Rotary district grant to help “Food is Medicine” at Promise Healthcare. Robb has volunteered to deliver food to the Rantoul area. 




Bob introduced Heather Stoa as our speaker this morning. Heather has been a member of the Decatur Rotary Club since 1998 in which she is a past president and has been active at various levels in our Rotary District for many years. Heather will be our next District Governor.


Today’s program centered on Rotary’s “Heart 2 Heart” activities. The “Heart 2 Heart” program is a combined effort of Rotary Districts and Clubs within Rotary Zones 30 and 31 in which our District belongs and Rotary Zones 4140 and 4170 in Mexico. Heather talked about her recent trip to Mexico and gave examples about how our Rotary Zones joined up with Rotary Zones 4140 and 4170 in Mexico and what we have been able to accomplish.


Starting in 2004, these joint projects have continued to provide help for the Mexican communities and people. These cooperative partner projects use Rotary Global Grants made possible by donations by Rotarians in all clubs within these four Rotary Zones. 

Heather showed several such projects from her recent visit which are grouped as follows: 


Construction: Providing drinking water tanks and the funding for new buildings and bathrooms for schools


Disease Prevention nad Treatment: Providing new wheelchairs and wheelchair repair for people who are disabled, kidney transplants and cleft palate surgeries


Maternal and Child Care: helping care for those unable to afford proper pregnancy and newborn care


Medical Supplies: Obtaining much needed hospital equipment and providing free shipment 


Peace building and conflict resolution: providing materials for educational instruction


Education and Literacy: Training teachers and helping students learn better study skills 


Economic and Community Development: Providing funds to build a facility to provide free breakfast to students, building 50 low cost housing structures for the elderly and single mothers whose homes were destroyed by the recent earthquake


Mexico has been an ideal partner as there is a strong need for help, local Rotarians in Mexico are actively involved, and Mexico is our southern neighbor so the projects are close and visits are relatively easy. Next year marks 100 years of Rotary in Mexico and many projects are being planned.


More information on these future projects is available at the Heart 2 Heart website for Rotary Zones 30 & 31. 


  July 30th Aug 6th Aug 13th Aug 20th
Reflection No morning meeting Scott Paceley Robb Patton Allan Penwell
Notetaker Meet at 5:30PM Penwell Hodson Conforti
Decker Weeding at Riggs Brewery Perry Baran Penwell
Next Weekend        



UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee member responsible listed in parentheses)

*All meetings via Zoom*


July 30th – Club Social

August 6th – Sue Grey, CEO And Executive Director, United Way of Champaign County (Cary)

August 13th – Trisha Crowley, President, League of Women Voters of Champaign County (Charlie)

August 20th – Evelyn Shapiro, Promotions Manager, Champaign Public Library (Ondine)

August 27th – Mary Ellen Wuellner, Executive Director, Champaign County Forest Preserve District (Andrew)

September 3rd – TBD

September 10th – TBD

September 17th – TBD

September 24th – TBD

October 1st – TBD