(courteous of the erudite Mary Hodson)

Larry thanked everyone who helped with the EI Foodbank food repack on Tuesday.

This week is “Big Shelterbox Week.”  CU Sunrise will participate in the ShelterBox Campout downtown at Busey Bank on June 15 -16.   Volunteers are needed for 5-7 on Friday and from 5-7 AM and 7-9 AM on Saturday.   Contact Mary at if you are able to help.    Mary also encouraged everyone to think donations to ShelterBox as Father’s Day gifts.


Donna introduced Professor James Barrett from the University of Illinois.   Dr.Barrett spoke about his research for the book, “The Irish Way”, published by The Penguin Press.

The book focuses on the Irish immigrant communities in New York and Chicago, and the institutions they helped build, Catholic churches, trade unions and the Democratic party.

Professor Barrett pointed out that the Irish immigrants had two advantages in that they were one of the earliest immigrant groups to come to the United States and that they were English speaking.   Later immigrants came into cities that were already dominated by Irish Catholics.   But the great unspoken force that created inter-ethnic families was love.

Families created by the intermarriage of Irish with other ethnic groups became part of the institutions created by the Irish, especially in Chicago.  Strong affinities and broader identities emerged by the 1920’s.  Networks translated to authority in the workplace, government and church and helped to create a new inter-ethnic culture.   In cities such as New York where the Irish maintained a tight hold, the machines fell.  In Chicago, the political machine opened up to other immigrant groups and kept it going much longer.

June 14th June 21st June 28th July 5th
Introductions Andrew Kerins Patrice Grant Mary Hodson Jan Ison
Invocation Ed Perry Andrew Kerins Chuck Reifsteck Rod Roberts
Greeters Andrew Kerins Patrice Grant Mary Hodson Jan Ison
Robb Patton Allan Penwell Ed Perry Marsha Reardon
Song Leader BJ Lytle Ben Mast John McDaniel Penn Nelson
Notetaker Lintner Conforti Chamberlain Perry
Decker Weeding Kamerer Kerins Perry Ackermann
Next Weekend Kamerer Baran Simpson Ackermann
Decker Garden Chailfoux Chalifoux Van Buren Van Buren