Announcements (courtesy of the unconventional and unorthodox, Paul Conforti)

Announcement from Larry Johnson

C-U Sunrisers, we could use 15 folks for repack at Eastern Illinois Foodbank Tuesday evening June 5th from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
If you would like to invite your spouse, significant other, potential member that would be great.

Announcement from Alan Chalifoux: 

On June 9th, I will be walking against cancer for the team from CU Sunrise Rotary Club (Champaign, IL) which will take part in the annual Relay for Life Walkathon sponsored by the American Cancer Society.  Donations sustain and strengthen the fight against cancer, and they are certainly one of the  main goals of this walkathon.

Donations may be made via the following link…

…which gets you to the page shown below, then you go to the donate area and enter my name or the team name “CU Sunrise Rotary” (either will accumulate donations to the CU Sunrise club’s total donation)


Joan Dixon (Champaign Rotary) was our guest speaker. Joan is the president and CEO of the Community Foundation of East Central Illinois.

The Community Fund of East Central Illinois is one of 40 such funds in Illinois. The purpose of the fund is to provide direction for philanthropic efforts within the community. The community for CFECI includes the counties of Champaign, Piatt, Moultrie, Ford, Douglas, Coles, Iroquois, Vermilion and Edgar.

CFECI also provides training for non-profit organizations including: training of board members, strategic planning, best practices, capacity building grants, fiscal agency, and the establishment of new non-profit organizations.

In 2011 CFECI distributed $730,773 (the equivalent of $14,000 per week). This from a humble beginning in 1972 with $6,300 in funds.

Core concepts:

Vision: To raise the quality of life throughout east central Illinois.

Mission: To be a major catalyst for long-term philanthropic assistance to the residents of east central Illinois. This is done to realize our vision — to raise the quality of life throughout east central Illinois.

Our Values

Philanthropy: We are a leader in promoting philanthropy in an impartial, unbiased, ethical way, with commitment to inclusiveness. We bring together people and resources to identify and address present and emerging community needs.

Community: We assist other not-for-profit organizations through advisory, consulting and collaborative efforts.
Donors: We help donors satisfy their philanthropic goals. We provide convenient and flexible giving vehicles to serve donors. We believe everyone should experience the joy of making a meaningful contribution to the community.


We use endowments as perpetual tools to provide steady support for charitable needs. We encourage unrestricted endowments because they meet the needs of future generations. We assist communities and organizations in building endowments to secure their continued success. We counsel donors and their advisers to choose a planned giving solution that makes a lasting difference.

Grants and Operations

We make grants based on the greatest needs in the community. We reflect the diversity of our community through our choices of grants, staff, volunteers, programs and initiatives. We select board, staff and volunteers with the talent and expertise required to efficiently and effectively achieve our long-term objectives. We insist on maintaining the highest standards in donor relationships, fund stewardship and promotion of philanthropy.

A very few of the organizations the CFECI has worked with: A Woman’s Fund, Family Services, United Way of Champaign County, CU at Home, Fire and Police Memorial, the East Central Illinois Refugee Mutual Assistance Center.

June 7th June 14th June 21st June 28th
Introductions Ata Durukan Andrew Kerins Patrice Grant Mary Hodson
Invocation Allan Penwell Ed Perry Andrew Kerins Chuck Reifsteck
Greeters Ata Durukan Andrew Kerins Patrice Grant Mary Hodson
Scott Paceley Robb Patton Allan Penwell Ed Perry
Song Leader Barb Lintner BJ Lytle Ben Mast John McDaniel
Notetaker Hodson Lintner Conforti Chamberlain
Decker Weeding Chamberlain Kamerer Kerins Perry
Next Weekend Chamberlain Kamerer Baran Simpson
Decker Garden Johnson Chailfoux Chalifoux Van Buren