“At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.” – Frida Kahlo – 1907-1954 – Mexican Painter


“Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.” – Minor Myers Jr. – 1942-2003 – President of Illinois Wesleyan University


“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited.” – Plutarch – Greek Philosopher-Historian-Essayist




(notes provided by the dinosaur gentleman from Connecticut, Edward Perry)


Read Across America will take place March 26. Readers are needed for 30 minute slots from 10 to 1 pm. Our club is a sponsor for the event.


Visit Champaign County has requested volunteers to help in the Kids Zone at the IHSA basketball tournament this weekend. To sign up, see this form here:  at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/409054DA4A72CA5F58-ihsa


Volunteers are needed for the Chez Veterans Center 5k on April 3rd. Joe will put together a signup sheet for this event. 


A club social at the Chez Veterans Center is being considered for the evening of March 31.


Bucket money this month will be going to the local Reach Out and Read Program.


Mary reminded everyone about this year’s Rotary International Convention in Houston, Texas from June 4-8. It is a wonderful opportunity for new and old members to attend many sessions and learn about the many activities and opportunities that make up Rotary International. 





Today’s meeting consisted of a club assembly with the focus on Membership and Service.



Diana handed out new club membership flyers and suggested possible methods in getting new members and the need for new members. Inviting possible new members to a club service project was one of several ideas. 


Mary Hodson added that the six local Rotary Clubs are organizing a joint new membership gathering at Riggs Brewery where each local Rotary club will have a table to inform possible new members about their club. An open discussion followed with members highlighting the many positive attributes of our club.



Phillis updated the club and led a spirited discussion on upcoming service projects.  Projects discussed included:

-Partnering up with Lodgic on a “Diaper Drive” and including the help of the Interact Club at Central High School.

-Doing another “Feed Our Kids” project 

-Providing volunteers for a Sola Gratia gardens cleanup project

-Helping plant seeds for flowering plants for a Pollinator Garden as a help for the Bee Project.

-Decker Garden spring work and also team up with CASA by setting Pinwheels in the Decker Garden.

-Continue our partnership with the Chez Veterans Center by joining in with their mentoring program.

-Help the Champaign County Humane Society with their newspaper needs. Members are asked to begin saving newspapers for the rolling get together in June.  More details and the exact dates will be set in the next few weeks.



  Mar 10th Mar 17th Mar 24th Mar 31st
Introductions Jerry Payonk Allan Penwell Ed Perry Joe Rank
Reflection Scott Paceley Robb Patton Jerry Payonk Allan Penwell
Greeters Jerry Payonk Allan Penwell Ed Perry Joe Rank
Charlie Smith Mary Kay Smith Cary Woolard Eddie Bridges
Notetaker Hodson Conforti Perry Hodson



UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee member responsible listed in parentheses)


March 10th – Ginger Mills and Marlin Livingston, Cunningham Children’s Home, will discuss housing refugee children from the border (Mary)

March 17th – AG Michael Harris will discuss visiting Rotary Clubs around the world (Mary)

March 24th – Professor Fred Christensen, OLLIE presenter and president of the East Central Illinois Archeological Society will speak on “What history tells us about the Ukraine-Russian War” (Mary)

March 31st – TBD

April 7th – TBD

April 14th – TBD (Bob)

April 21st – TBD (Cary)

April 28th – Jordan Dziura, the Executive Director at Illini Media Co., will discuss the Daily Illini’s 110th anniversary, upcoming reunion for IMC alums, and the future of college media (Charlie)

May 5th – TBD

May 12th – TBD (Joe)

May 19th – Major General (ret) William L. Enyart (Mary)

May 26th – Jacque Kalipeni, representing the Kalipeni Foundation that helps communities in Malawi