“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” – John Dryden – 1631-1700 – English Poet-Translator-Playwright


“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” – Robin Williams – 1951-2014 – Comedian-Actor


“If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” – Erica Jong – Novelist-Satirist-Poet




(notes provided by the distinguished germ from Connecticut, Edward Perry)


Thanks were given to the members who helped with “Read Across America” this past weekend.


Our club will be sponsoring Cooper the comfort dog for the Children’s Advocacy Center through a gift of Lou and Trina Simpson.


We will again be providing a $1,500 Parkland Community scholarship to a Champaign Central High School Student.


We will help sponsor activities for our very active Central High School’s Interact Club. 


We will also be donating to CASA and place their pinwheels in the Don Decker Garden.


Phyllis asked for help with the placing of the Flag at the Don Decker Garden on Federal Holidays.


Bucket Bucks for march will go to the Child Advocacy Center.




March 16 & 17th: Ata and Lisa will be attending the Rotary PETS Training

March 19: Books to Prisoners

April 6: Feeding Our Kids

April 19-21 “RYLA” at Allerton Park

May 4: District Conference

May 4: Newspaper rolling for the Champaign County Humane Society

May 18: Rotary Leadership Conference 




Michael introduced Jason Harden, Associate Race Director of the Christie Clinic Illinois ace Weekend. Jason, who has been involved in the annual race since it began in 2009, gave a history of the event and told of the many events that will take place this year on April 25, 26 and 27th. The weekend activities will include the Marathon and a Half Marathon, 4-person relay, 10k, 5k, mile and youth run and eight I-Challenge Events.

Since 2009 the event has had thousands of runners and has raised $1.734 million dollars for local charities. Our Community involvement has been the reason for its continued success over the years and volunteers are needed again this year. For more information please go to ILLINOISMARATHON.COM.


  Mar 14th Mar 21st Mar 28th Apr 4th
Introductions Ed Perry Garrett Colbert Joe Rank JP Thompson
Reflection Michael Hogue Phyllis Mischo Scott Paceley Robb Patton
Greeters Ed Perry Garrett Colbert Joe Rank JP Thompson
Michael Hogue Phyllis Mischo Scott Paceley Robb Patton
Notetaker Hodson Crane Conforti Perry


UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee members listed in parentheses)


March 14th – Larry Kenemore’s Rotary Action Group (Mary)

March 21st – Amy Hegemeyer from Mom’s Demand who will talk about the Be Smart Program

March 28th –Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Kent Redfield. (Tom)

April 4th – Rabbi David Tiechtel (Joe)

April 11th –Al Nudo who will speak about Willard Airport (Tom)

April 18th – TBD

April 25th – TBD





March – No club birthdays