“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” – Arthur Ashe – 1943-1993 – Professional Tennis Player


“I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life–and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.” – Georgia O’Keeffe – 1887-1986 – Artist


“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.” – Lucille Ball – 1911-1989 – Actress





May 28 work day at Sola Gratia – Cancelled


Humane Society newspaper folding event – Rescheduled to July 16.


June 18 – We will help Isa Hernandez plant perennials at Heritage Park for her Eagle Scout Project.


Darrell and Phyllis thanked everyone who has participated in the Diaper Drive.





Mary introduced Major General (Ret.) William Enyart.  Major General Enyart’s military career includes six years active-duty service in the U.S. Air Force and nearly 30 years in the Army National Guard.  During his career he served on multiple deployments and culminated his service as Adjutant General of the Illinois National Guard, commanding both the Air and Army National Guard from 2007-2012.  In his service as Adjutant General, he oversaw the largest Illinois National Guard deployment of troops overseas since WWII, when the 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team deployed to Afghanistan.   


General Enyart had responsibility for 4,000 National Guard forces from 11 states at the largest NATO conference ever held, the 2012 NATO conference in Chicago.  At that conference, General Enyart was presented with the Commander’s Cross of the Republic of Poland by President Bronislaw Komorowski, for his work in building international relationships.  


General Enyart also earned a J.D. from SIU and served as United States Congressman from southern Illinois in the 113th Congress, where he served on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Agriculture Committee.   In retirement, he is a frequent keynote speaker and defense policy commentator on cable news stations.   The Lebanon Illinois Rotary Club gave him and his wife, retired judge Annette Eckert, Paul Harris Fellowships.    


The General spoke to CU Sunrise from his home in Bellville.   His presentation was taken from a podcast in his podcast series entitled “Reflections from the River” that he released later the same day.   His topic was the “untold story of the Illinois National Guard in Ukraine”.


The headquarters of the 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team is located in Urbana.   Poland has been the Illinois National Guard’s overseas partner since Poland left the Warsaw Pact and allied with NATO.  The Illinois National Guard served every day in Afghanistan alongside Polish soldiers. 


The 33rd Infantry Brigade has been involved in military exercises in Poland and training in Ukraine.   In 2005, General Enyart commanded from Warsaw the Illinois Guardsmen participating in a 22 nation NATO war game for Ukraine.   When he visited in 2008, Polish and Ukrainian soldiers took him on patrol.   Just last year, Urbana sent guardsmen to the area for an 11-month deployment.   


Despite the training provided to Ukrainian forces, the Pentagon expected that Putin’s land grab would succeed.   The general believes that training provided by the Illinois National Guard has played a critical role in the Ukrainian’s defense of their homeland.


You can find General Enyart’s podcasts by going to his website, www.billenyart.com.


  May 26th June 2nd June 9th June 16th
Introductions Mary Kay Smith Cary Woolard Oktay Baran Michelle Barbey
Reflection Charlie Smith Mary Kay Smith Cary Woolard Bob La Charite
Greeters Mary Kay Smith Cary Woolard Oktay Baran Michelle Barbey
Phyllis Mischo Scott Paceley Robb Patton Jerry Payonk
Notetaker Conforti Perry Hodson Conforti
Decker Weeding Mischo Mischo (spot available) (spot available)
Next Weekend Simpson Simpson    



UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee member responsible listed in parentheses)


May 26th – Jacque Kalipeni, representing the Kalipeni Foundation that helps communities in Malawi

June 2nd – Club Asssembly

June 9th – PDG Larry Howell will discuss current programs in his role as Zone Ambassador for Empowering Girls

(to be rescheduled) Dr Donald Wuebbles, Professor Emeritus in the University of Illinois Atmospheric Sciences Department will discuss climate change

June 16th – Lisa Crane, Pediatric Speech Pathologist (Tom)

June 23rd – Pass the Gavel

June 30th – TBD

July 7th – Club Assembly

July 14th – Rick Davidson will speak about the new District Foundation and a new Global Grant (Mary)

July 21st – TBD (Cary)

July 28th – TBD (Charlie)

August 4th – Club Assembly

August 11th – TBD (Joe)

August 18th – TBD

August 25th – Gil Holder will speak about the evolution of the universe (Tom)

September 8th – TBD (Bob)

September 15th – TBD

September 22 – TBD (Charlie)

October 13th – TBD (Joe)

October 20th – TBD (Mary)