“Growth is about moving forward while chaos often sends you repeatedly through the same cycles.” – Victoria L. White – Business and Commercial Litigation Attorney


“I have learned not to allow rejection to move me.” –Cicely Tyson – 1924-2021 – Actress-Humanitarian


“Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.” – Madam C.J. Walker – 1867-1919 – Entrepreneur-Philanthropist-Political and Social Activist




(notes provided by the distinguished gentleman from Connecticut, Edward Perry)


Due to the expert prognostication by Cary, our club has leaped into second place in the weekly Service Club Football Guessing Contest.  We all knew you could do it, Cary!


Bucket Bucks this month will go to Polio Plus


Nestor Ramirez will deliver our program on Oct. 19.  He will give a summary of his OLLI class on Polio.




Oct. 14 Our club’s turn to work the Rotary booth at the Urbana Farmer’s Market

Oct. 24 The Museum of the Grand Prairie will have a Polio Day Celebration..

Nov. 4  Central Interact annual 5K fundraiser at Crystal Lake Park 

Nov. 5  CU Special Rec 5K fundraiser

Nov. 9  Club’s Charter Anniversary dinner and Veterans Celebration at City 

            View, see Darrell to sign up.

Dec. 21 Club’s annual Holiday party and white elephant gift exchange




Charlie started the Club assembly noting:

-The need for someone to become our Club’s President Elect. 

-The need to give to the Annual Rotary Fund and meet our club’s goal of $3000.


Phyllis explained the importance of giving and how the district will then use the money to distribute grants for various clubs’ projects.


The general open discussion from members dealt with several topics, including:

-What is the proper number of service projects for our club?  And should our focus be on organizations where we have a greater impact?

-What Charities will be receiving our Bucket Bucks?

-Combining service projects with organizations and invite potential new members.

-Jen noted that she is organizing a future fundraiser with CU Schools Foundation, 40 North and Habitat where donated Art will be sold.

-Darrell mentioned a “Dinner For Eight” idea where a small group meets for dinner and conversation as a way to socialize and bring in new members.

-This year’s Fruit Sale money will go to Sola Gratia Farm.


  Oct 12th Oct 19th Oct 26th Nov 2nd
Introductions Scott Paceley Robb Patton Jerry Payonk Allan Penwell
Reflection Mary Kay Smith Cary Woolard Eddie Bridges Paul Conforti
Greeters Scott Paceley Robb Patton Jerry Payonk Allan Penwell
Mary Kay Smith Cary Woolard Eddie Bridges Paul Conforti
Notetaker Hodson Crane Conforti Crane


UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee members listed in parentheses)


October 12th – Brittany Millington, Director, Champaign Public Library (Thom)

October 19th – Dr.  Nestor Ramirez  will give a summary of his OLLI class on Polio

October 26th –  John Clark, who will discuss Storybook, a program that allows inmates to maintain a connection to children by recording stories for their children (Mary)

November 2nd – Dr. Dan Simons, Professor, Psychology, UIUC, co-author of “The Invisible Gorilla” and “Nobody’s Fool” (Tom)

November 9th – no morning meeting – Anniversary Dinner at CityView

November 16th – TBD (Joe)

November 23rd – Turkey Day – no morning meeting

November 30th – TBD (Lisa)

December 7th – TBD (Mary)

December 14th – TBD (Michael)

December 21st – TBD

December 28th – TBD (Cary)

January 4th – TBD (Joe)

January 11th – TBD (Lisa)

January 18th – TBD (Mary

January 25th – TBD (Michael)

February 1st – TBD

February 8th – TBD (Tom)

February 15th – TBD (Cary)





October 23 – Jarrod Scheunemann

October 29 – Robb Patton