“It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” – Tom Brokaw – Journalist and Author


“Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.” – Arianna Huffington – Author of The Huffington Post


“The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” = Arnold Palmer – 1929-2016 – Professional Golfer




(notes provided by Lisa Crane)


Welcome to our new member, Jacob Bilvin.

No more weeding needed at Decker Garden.  A big thank you to Phyllis and Lou for their work on the garden.

The deadline for the District conference registration is Friday, but you can come to just luncheon on Friday to hear keynote address John Whitman. Location at our old meeting place, The Holiday Inn and Conference Center, just a half block north of Lodgic on State Street.

Habitat for Humanity needs help painting at their new place today and Friday.  See Tod for more info.

Feeding our Kids – This Saturday, September 10, at 10AM.  Meet Phyllis in parking lot of Champaign Church of Christ (1509 W John St., C).

DSC is having Oktoberfest fundraiser on Sept. 24 and needs volunteers from 6:30-8.  See Tod if you can volunteer.  Ata is also involved with DSC and is selling cash raffle tickets at $10 or 3 for $25.

The Chez Center luncheon for U of I student veterans will be on November 9th. We will be doing Jimmy John sandwiches – all are welcome to attend.  Usually, there are over 100 students who come. Andy Bender is in charge

Our Charter Veterans Day Banquet will be November 10. More details to come.

The 2022 Fruit Sale begins soon. Fruit will be $30 per case; our goal is 400 cases sold. The club’s request is that each member sell at least 15 cases (cash donations are also appreciated). Robb will continue in his role as Chief Fruithead, but because he will be out of town in December Eddie has agreed to be Lieutenant Fruithead.

Our September social will be at Riggs September 29th in the evening.



Bob introduced the new Champaign Chief of Police, Timothy Tyler. Chief Tyler comes from a wide range of experiences including Director and Chief of Police for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Law Enforcement. Prior to that, he had a 22-year career with the Illinois State Police. 

Chief Tyler is also a Colonel in the US Army Reserves and serves as Military Police, Logistician and Finance Officer who loves his spread sheets.  He has trained over 5,000 Military Police. Chief Tyler holds an associate degree in Law Enforcement and a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. Hie is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Public Administration. He is a very active person.

He has a strong faith and believes: SERVE OTHERS, LOVE GOD, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR.

In addition to all of his professional experience, Chief Tyler also shared that hew grew up on a pig farm in Mississippi. He had a learning disability growing up and is very interested in speaking to kids who have the same difficulties.

He updated us on Champaign statistics, including that they 124 sworn officers and hope to have 22 new employees by December 2022. There are 5 openings for Public Service reps.  Chief Tyler enjoyed giving us a first hand view from his “foxhole.”







UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee members listed in parentheses)


September 15th – Jayne DeLuce, President & CEO, Visit Champaign County (Cary)

September 22nd – TBD (Charlie)

September 29th – Club Social

October 6th – TBD

October 13th – Daily Bread Soup Kitchen will give an overview of its 362 day a year service to the food insecure in our community (Joe)

October 20th – TBD (Mary)

October 27th – TBD (Lisa)

November 3rd – TBD

November 10th – TBD

November 17th – Bill Behrends, Assistant Principal, Centennial High

November 24th – No Meeting – Turkey Day

December 1st – TBD

December 8th – Dr. Donald Wuebbles, Harry E. Preble Emeritus Professor, UIUC





September 25 – Tod Satterthwaite


October 23 – Jarrod Scheunemann

October 29 – Robb Patton