“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank – 1929-1945 – Writer


“Things that we love tell us what we are.” – Thomas Aquinas – 1225-1274 – Priest


“We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.” – Konrad Adenauer – 1876-1967 – Former Chancellor of Germany


(notes provided by Lisa Crane)


We received the Rotary International Citation Award!  We keep earning those awards! Congratulations Sunrisers!

Lisa shared picture progress of the Pollinator Garden at Heritage Park that we helped start in June.

Our next Bucket Bucks will go to 40Spreys Mobile Market

Allerton under the stars is coming up.

We continue to participate in the football guessing.  As of this writing, we are not in last place!


Upcoming club service activities include:

No more weeding at Decker garden.  We will soon winterize the garden as the weather cools down.

Books to Prisoners will be in October. More details to come

The Chez Center luncheon with UIUC student veterans will be on November 9th. We will be doing Jimmy John sandwiches; all are welcome to attend.  There usually are over 100 students. Andy Bender is in charge.

Our Charter Veterans Day Banquet will be November 10. More details to come.

The 2022 CUSR Fruit Sale begins soon. Fruit will be $30 per case; our goal is 400 cases sold. Asking for a 15-case minimum. Robb is still the Chief Fruithead, but Ed will help as Assistant Fruithead.

The botanical gardens is in need of assistance.



Charlie introduced the Executive Director of the Champaign County Humane Society, Mary Tiefenbrunn.

She was very excited to share that the Humane Society is moving to Southwest Champaign and their new address will be 4003 Kearns Dr.  They have been in East Urbana since 1988.  They plan to have the building completed by January 2023 and move in in February 2023.  Mary gave us a pictorial tour of the new facility.

The Human Society takes in dogs, cats, birds, rodents, bunnies and other small animals. In fiscal year 2021-2022, they had 1785 adoptions with more cats move through than dogs.  They use herd health management with animal care. Stressed animals have a weakened immune system.

The Humane Society works with the U of I small animal clinic to take around 11 student interns to assist them.  They have about 48 consistent volunteers who walk dogs 3 times per day, make frozen kongs/treats, and socialize cats.  They also have 46 active foster care volunteers.

They also offer dog training classes in the Prairieland Feeds storage area teaching Basic Manners and Puppy Socialization. 

Tiefenbrunn mentioned the upcoming fundraiser, Fur Ball, on October 7 at the iHotel and encourage attendance.

Their funding comes from shelter revenue, events, general appeals, bequests/endowments.



  Oct 6th Oct 13th Oct 20th Oct 27th
Introductions Allan Penwell Ed Perry Joe Rank Rod Roberts
Reflection Michelle Barbey Jacob Bilvin Eddie Bridges Paul Conforti
Greeters Allan Penwell Ed Perry Joe Rank Rod Roberts
Oktay Baran Michelle Barbey Jacob Bilvin Eddie Bridges
Notetaker Perry Hodson Crane Conforti


UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee members listed in parentheses)


October 6th – TBD

October 13th – Daily Bread Soup Kitchen will give an overview of its 362 day a year service to the food insecure in our community (Joe)

October 20th – TBD (Mary)

October 27th – Dr. Taher Saif, University of Illinois and Carle Illinois College of Medicine, will discuss physical exercise and mental health (Lisa)

November 3rd – TBD

November 10th – TBD

November 17th – Bill Behrends, Assistant Principal, Centennial High

November 24th – No Meeting – Turkey Day

December 1st – TBD

December 8th – Dr. Donald Wuebbles, Harry E. Preble Emeritus Professor, UIUC





October 23 – Jarrod Scheunemann

October 29 – Robb Patton