“If my world were to cave in tomorrow, I would look back on all the pleasures, excitements and worthwhilenesses I have been lucky enough to have had. Not the sadness, not my miscarriages or my father leaving home, but the joy of everything else. It will have been enough.” ― Audrey Hepburn 


“There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.” ― Howard Thurman 




(notes provided by the distinguished gentleman from Connecticut, Edward Perry)


Our Rotary Slow Ride Peddle Bus group will meet at The Tumble Inn this coming Tuesday evening at 5:15 as the Bus takes off at 5:30. Be ready for some exercise, fun and bring your own liquid refreshments. 

August 20th is the Rotary Leadership Institute at Richland Community College. All Rotary members are welcome to attend. See Rod for more information.

Bob handed out a Rotary Club Questionnaire to everyone, asking it to be filled out and returned at next week’s meeting. He also reminded everyone that our meeting on August on 25th will be in the evening starting at 4:45pm instead of the normal morning time. The Club Visioning meeting will start at 5:00pm and all are requested to attend. A meal will be provided. 




Phillis introduced Dr. Steve Sonka, University of Illinois Professor Emeritus, who spoke on food waste and prevention of postharvest loss. Steve joined the U of I faculty in 1975 and is the founding director of the National Soybean Research Institute on campus, serves as director of the ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss and also serves on many national and international committees.

Dr. Sonka began by describing the many issues of postharvest loss and noted that approximately 1/3 of agricultural products are lost postharvest in many international markets due to inadequate storage, transportation methods and pest control. With the ever increasing world population and the growing need for food, if these postharvest losses can be corrected it will help world hunger.

Using small farms in Africa and Central America as example markets, Dr. Sonka focused in on several methods that are working for better food security and reducing food loss. He noted examples of the use of metal and plastic storage containers for villages and individual families as well as insect and rodent resistant plastic packaging of the harvest during shipment and storage. Working with the Rockefeller Foundation, they are finding ways to help local farmers to buy in with the new methods by the use of current technology, training, financing and market analysis. They provide the needed support to the small farmers and work with in their agricultural methods.

Lastly, Dr. Sonka touched on food waste noting that it is an issue in the United States and Europe. While noting that food handlers are improving their methods to lessen food waste in the market place there reminds consumer food waste and that is a behavioral issue and while difficult has also begun to be addressed.


  Aug 11th Aug 18th Aug 25th Sept 1st
Introductions Oktay Baran Keith Brandau Reuben Chambers Paul Conforti
Invocation BJ Lytle Ben Mast John McDaniel Phyllis Mischo
Greeters Oktay Baran Keith Brandau Reuben Chambers Paul Conforti
Mary Hodson Larry Johnson Andrew Kerins Bob La Charite
Song Leader Robin Ferguson Darrell Hoemann Mary Hodson Larry Johnson
Notetaker Perry Penwell Hodson Lintner
Decker Weeding Perry Simpson Paceley  
Next Weekend        
Decker Garden Perry Perry Simpson  



August 11th – Deb Feinen, Mayor of Champaign

August 18th – Cassie Carroll, Champaign West Rotarian and Program Director of The Land Connection

August 25th – Regular meeting canceled; 5:00PM Club Visioning Session at (Xpm) at Hawthorne Suites

September 1st – TBD

September 8th – TBD

September 15th – TBD

September 22nd – Eliana Brown?

September 29th – TBD