“I believe that the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare.” –  Maya Angelou
There was no regular meeting last week.  Instead, we gathered for a social at Pour Brothers in downtown Champaign.  Thanks to all who made it!


  Feb 7th Feb 14th Feb 21st Feb 28th
Introductions Lou Simpson Charlie Smith Mary Kay Smithy Adam Wright
Reflection Rod Roberts Angie Schoonover Jen Shelby Charlie Smith
Greeters Lou Simpson Charlie Smith Mary Kay Smithy Adam Wright
David Henry Mary Hodson Darrell Hoemann Larry Johnson
Song Leader Paul Conforti Diana Dummitt Ata Durukan David Henry
Notetaker Conforti Perry Penwell Hodson


UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee member responsible listed in parentheses)
Rescheduled – William D O’Brien, Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UIUC, will tell us about his current research in ultrasonic bioengineering (Mary)
February 7th – Tiffani Henry will discuss Rotary Youth Exchange (David)
February 14th – Mark Kessler will discuss Parkland’s Cobra Ventures program (Charlie)
February 21st – Dr. Bob Lawless, Max L. Rowe Professor of Law, UIUC, will discuss the elderly and bankruptcy (Tom)
February 28th – Dr. George Gross, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UIUC (Ondine)
March 7th – Don Wuebbles, The Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and University of Illinois Presidential Fellow, will speak about climate change (Phyllis)
March 14th – TBD (Tom)
March 21st – TBD (Bob)
March 28th – TBD (Charlie)
April 4th – TBD (David)
April 11th – TBD (Mary)
April 18th – TBD (Ondine)
April 25th – TBD (Phyllis)
May 2nd – TBD