Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.” ― Pope John Paul II 
(notes provided by the distinguished gentleman from Connecticut, Eduardo Perri)
The club gave a warm welcome to past member Coletta Ackermann who was back in the area. 
Cary thanked Phyillis for her work in getting the District’s Grant money. The check has been received and will go to help the Times Shelter. 
Michelle thanks all those who helped this past Saturday with the Champaign Central Interact Club’s 5k fundraiser. CU Sunrise and Savoy’s Rotary club teamed up to help with this event. 
Cary noted that we will again be called upon this holiday season with bell ringing duties for the Salvation Army. Like past year’s we will be at the Walmart on north Prospect in Champaign. A sign-up sheet will be passed around at a future club meeting.
Robb noted that the Fruit Sale is going strong and would like all orders in as soon as possible. The Grapefruit and Oranges should be available for distribution the week of December 10th. The club’s wish is to have each member sell a minimum of 15 cases or donate $200 or a combination there of to reach our Club goal of $7,000.
Bob introduced Dr. Angela Williams, associate director at the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. Dr. Williams topic this morning was “Hip Hop and Woman’s Voices in the Middle East and Africa. She presented information on the several current female rappers in that area and the message they are presenting. Music is one way to help change take place.
Hip Hop artists such as Soultana from Morocco, Malikah from Lebanon, Shada Mansour from Palestine, Mayan Mahmound from Eqypt and Salome MC from Iran were highlighted. These artists are raising their voices on current issues in the area. Such issues include women’s rights and historical social practices, the restrictions placed on women, women empowerment, clothing, respect and sexual harassment.These same issues continue in many countries today.
Dr. Williams presented video examples of several musical pieces. One video clip was from a TV show “Arabs Got Talent”, a popular show in the Middle East. Through social media, such as YouTube, Facebook and Soundcloud, also allows the performers to present their work to the people. Public performances/concerts, especially by women, can be restricted in many of these countries. 


  Nov 15th Nov 22nd Nov 29th Dec 6th
Introductions Ben Mast No  John McDaniel Phyllis Mischo
Reflection Larry Johnson meeting Bob La Charite Candy Loyd
Greeters Ben Mast on John McDaniel Phyllis Mischo
Charlie Smith Turkey Mary Kay Smithy Adam Wright
Song Leader Angie Schoonover Day Jen Shelby Lou Simpson
Notetaker Penwell   Hodson Conforti


UPCOMING SCHEDULE (with program committee member responsible listed in parentheses)
November 15th – Bryan Medlin, Illinois Wrestling’s Regional Training Center (Charlie)
November 22nd – No Meeting – Thanksgiving
November 29th – Sue Grey, President / CEO United Way of Champaign County (David)
December 6th – Glenn Harbin, District 6490 Membership Chair, is going to tell us about a micro loan organization, Kiva (Mary)
December 13th – TBD (Phyllis)
December 20th – TBD (Tom)
December 27th – TBD (Bob)
January 3rd – TBD (Charlie)
January 10th – TBD (David)
January 17th – TBD (Mary)
January 24th – TBD (Phyllis)
January 31st – TBD (Tom)