Sunrisers don’t just eat breakfast. We dig in and work too.
Here, Oktay and Ata sort food at a recent Eastern Illinois Foodbank Pop up Market, while Adam stacks cases of lettuce. Our effort garnered this attaboy from the EIFB:

On behalf of everyone at EIF I’m sending a sincere and hearty THANK YOU for volunteering at our Kirby Avenue Pop Up yesterday!

Your efforts helped distribute almost 7,000 pounds of fresh produce plus chicken and pantry items to 400 individuals from 109 households.
200 of the individuals were children under the age of 18.

We are hosting these distributions every Wednesday for the foreseeable future (we have the space until they have a tenant!) so we hope to

You truly put the heart in our cart, we couldn’t do it without you!

The pleasure is ours EIFB. We’re happy to help.